Become a Visionary

We are know as dreamers until our dreams become reality.
Then we are know as visionaries.

Follow These Steps:

1. Profile & Journey Map Completion:
  • Join through a Visionary Membership.
  • Start fill out your Dream Profile, profile & cover pics.
  • Complete the first 3 Journey Map Plot Points, then…
  • Social Sharing these 3 videos, linking to your profile.
  • Complete the first 9 Plot Points for eligibility for Award.
  • Finish the other Plot Points as you pursue your Dream.
2. Voting & Awards:
  • Continue sharing each new Journey Map video.
  • Accumulate votes to increase ranking for a Dream Award.
  • Share in the $$$ if your Journey Map is made into a movie.
  • Repeat the process for your next Dream.

Dream Award Eligibility

(Each category counts as 20% of eligibility)

  1. Dream Profile: Headshot, Background photo, Video & Text.
  2. Journey Map Videos: For the first 9 Plot Points.
  3. Journey Map Text: For the first 9 Plot Points.
  4. AI Story: For the first 9 Plot Points.
  5. Votes: Minimum 20 votes but the more the merrier.

Videos and Social Media

Your profile video and Journey Map videos will be uploaded to our YouTube channel, Facebook page and other social media platforms. You can link to, share or embed these videos into other platforms of your choice. You can find links to the videos we post on your profile page.

NOTE: Please retain all original videos yourself because once we process your video we delete the original upload.

AI Story

Each Journey Map Plot Point gives you the ability to generate an AI Story for that Plot Point which you can edit for a final draft. The AI Stories are then added together to form a movie outline.


One way to gauge the popularity of your Dream and Journey Map is through votes. People can quickly register for free to vote for your Dream Profile. Your profile will continue to accumulate votes from your own efforts, the general public browsing and from our posting your videos throughout the internet.

We suggest that prior to spreading the word about your Journey Map, that you complete at least the first 3 plot points with both text and video. Then you’ll have interesting content to share on social media.

Only 20 votes gets you to 100% eligibility in the voting category but there are no limits to the amount of votes you can get. Votes is one way we gauge popularity and this comes into play as your story is considered for a movie.

All members must comply with our Community Guidelines and Terms of Use.