The Journey Map

A Dreamer imagines the dream. A Visionary embarks on the Journey.

Read this Story about your Journey Map

Transform your life and achieve your dreams by creating your own Journey Map today. This powerful technique is inspired by The Hero’s Journey, used by screenwriters to uncover your deepest desires and the driving force behind them.

As you journey through the 24 plot points of your Journey Map, you’ll witness your personal transformation as the main character on a quest to attain your Object of Desire. This tangible goal will uncover your Unconscious Drive, the force that propels you forward.

However, like any great story, obstacles will arise. Your Achilles Heel, the force that sabotages your progress, will reveal itself, and the drama will transform into “The Hero’s Journey”. Will you rise above the challenges and seize your Dream? Will you experience a Character Arc? Or will you suffer the agony of defeat?

For those who emerge victorious, a new world view awaits, and a new life takes shape. Energized by your success, you’ll be inspired to pursue even more dreams, each one leading to a fulfilled life.

And, if your Journey Map receives the highest rankings and votes, you’ll receive a financial reward from the collective, and your story will be transformed into a professional Movie Treatment and submitted to producers. If your story is picked up by a producer, you’ll even share in the proceeds.

Don’t wait any longer to begin your Journey Map today and discover the power of self-discovery and the fulfillment of your dreams. Plus, the proceeds from VoteMyDream are recycled back into the collective to further its success, creating a ripple effect of inspiration and achievement.


Please read how it works.

During the process of completing your Journey Map, you can begin accumulating votes from the public, family and friends by sharing on your social media venues. They are voting for your Dream to be awarded a cash prize and for your Journey Map to be transformed into a movie.

As you go complete and upload a video for each Plot Point, we will distribute your video throughout our various social media channels with links back to your profile so people can vote for you.

Each month, the top ranking Visionary will be awarded our Journey Map Award which includes a cash prize and your Journey Map Treatment submitted to producers. If your story is picked up and made into a movie, you will share in the proceeds.


To ensure your success, coaching is available from Robert Bigelow, the founder of VoteMyDream. With his guidance, you’ll receive personalized support that includes answering questions through our messaging system, one-on-one phone conversations, and feedback on your Journey Map answers and videos.

No matter what assistance you need, our coaching program is tailored to your unique journey, providing you with the best chance of becoming the Hero of your own story and receiving a Dream Award. Please note that coaching is limited to one Journey Map at a time.