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Robert Bigelow Founder

Joined: 06-01-2023
  • Dream Award Eligibility 54% 54%
Journey Map
AI Story

Current Dream:

To Launch VoteMyDream

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My dream is to launch VoteMyDream.com as a tool to help people achieve their dreams and create a venue where others can watch their progress similar to a movie.

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The Journey Map

Your Movie of Self-Discovery

Act 1 - Sequence 1: Conscious Desire
Plot Point 1: THE PLOT

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Scene 1: What name will you give your Hero?


Scene 2: What does Bodhi want?

To see many people use the Journey Map to help them pursuit of their dreams.

Scene 3: What is the Object of Desire? How will Bodhi know it has been attained?

The VoteMyDream.com website. Bodhi will have attained his personal goal when the website reaches 1,000 paying members.

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Bodhi yearns to see many people use the Journey Map to help them in their pursuit of their dreams. His object of desire is the VoteMyDream.com website, and he will be overjoyed when it reaches 1,000 paying members. He will feel a sense of accomplishment and joy when he sees the website reach its goal. He looks forward to the day when his dream comes true and he can share the Journey Map with the world. He has faith that one day, the website will reach its goal and he will have achieved his personal goal.

Scene 1) You are about to tell a story about a Hero (the protagonist - main character of a story) that will go on the journey of pursuing your Dream. Choose a name for this Hero, either your own or another. From here on out, when we refer to The Hero, we are referring to the reflection of you within the story. It is a very powerful experience to see your reflection from the perspective of the audience.
Scene 2) Drawing from your own aspirations and deeply-seated passion, what does your Hero want? Their dream, big or small will become the their Journey Map. Show us why it matters to them. Enable the audience to connect with their heart's longing. Be authentic. This is their Conscious Desire, because it is the desire the Hero is aware of.
Scene 3) The Hero's Object of Desire is the tangible real-world object or situation they pursue. This makes it clear to both the hero and the audience whether their Dream has been achieved or not, leaving no room for ambiguity. This forms the Plot and is at the heart of The Hero's Journey. Choose just one, the most attainable in your current situation.


I Want... “a successful career in computers, to travel to Spain, to be sober, to be in physical shape, to be a yoga instructor, to double my income, to get married, to buy a house, a successful YouTube channel...”
The Object of Desire respectively: Computer degree, plane tickets to Spain, 1 year of sobriety, loose 30 lbs and increase muscle mass, 200 hours of yoga certification, go from $3,000/mth to $6,000/mth, have a wedding ceremony, get pre-qualified for a house loan and close an offer, reach 1 million view on my YouTube channel...
Examples Not: I Want... “Love, peace, happiness, emotional stability, adventure, security, fame, to be admired, financially independence, make money online, I want what I want when I want it... These are great but too ambiguous for The Journey Map.”

Act 1 - Sequence 1: Conscious Desire

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Scene 1: What inherent talents does Bodhi possess?

Deep understanding of the human psyche, evolving grasp of screenplay structure and creative.

Scene 2: What skills has the Hero developed that will help in this quest?

Understanding of the human psyche, custom website design and development and movie structure.

Scene 3: What quality does the Hero possess that makes him likable?

Bodhi is very personable and relates to many types of people.

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Bodhi is a creative individual with a deep understanding of the human psyche and a growing grasp of screenplay structure. He is very personable, able to relate to people from all walks of life. His skillset also includes custom website design and development. With his unique combination of talents, Bodhi is able to create projects that are both innovative and meaningful. He is constantly striving to learn more and push the boundaries of his creativity.

Scene 1) From your own perspective, not considering what others think, what talent(s) do you inherently possess that will aid you in your dream quest? They don't have to be superpowers, sometimes, the simplest of abilities can make all the difference and turn the tide in your favor.
For example, if your dream is to become a writer, your natural talents might include having a creative imagination, a love for reading, and an eye for detail. Talents are inherent, skills are learned.
Scene 2) You might have developed skills such as excellent writing and communication skills, the ability to research effectively, and the capacity to organize your ideas in a structured manner. These skills can help you succeed in your writing journey and achieve your dream of becoming a published author.
Scene 3) Likability Quality: The positive response of others to aspects of our personality or character. What others seem to like about us.


Examples of inherent talents: Artistic, creative, athletic, charismatic, empathetic, intelligent, writing, musician...
Examples of learned skills: Script writing, computer programmer, biochemistry, acting, guitar, marketing, graphic design...

Act 1 - Sequence 1: Conscious Desire
Plot Point 3: THE STAKES

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Scene 1: What does Bodhi stand to gain?

Bodhi will have accomplished his goal of creating an online system to help people achieve their dreams and will have created a revenue stream for himself and family that will allow him to become financially independent.

Scene 2: What does Bodhi stand to loose?

He will have to get over the emotional pain of a failed attempt, learn from it and get back up and try something else. In the meantime, he'll be bound to making money through means that does not necessarily fulfill him.

Bodhi will feel a mixture of emotions as he stands on the brink of achieving his goal. He will be filled with excitement and anticipation, knowing that he will soon be able to provide a better life for himself and his family. But he will also feel a twinge of fear and anxiety, not knowing if his efforts will be successful or if he will have to face the agony of defeat. He will take a deep breath and remind himself that whatever the outcome, he will have gained valuable knowledge and experience, and that he will be able to use it in the future.

Scene 1) What does the Hero stand to gain by attaining the Object of Desire? How will it benefit their life?
Scene 2) What does the Hero stand to loose if they do not attain their dream? How will it detract from their life?


Gain: income to support my family, the means to travel the world, a soulmate, a skill, a house, success, a career I love, others will look up to me, emotionally pain free, fulfillment, love, a satisfied life...
Loose: Can't support my family, no job I love, no travel, no family, my dreams dashed upon the rocks, hope lost, everything I want, self-esteem, the life I want, no soul mate, an unfulfilled life, I will loose everything...

Act 1 - Sequence 2: Unconscious Drive
Plot Point 4: THE SPINE

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Scene 1: What unfullfilled yearning awaits to be fulfilled? (Short Answer)

Relief from financial pressures and a sense of accomplishment.

Scene 2: What unfulfilled yearning awaits to be fulfilled? (Longer Answer)

Sense of accomplishment and fulfillment of helping others while facilitating his own dream. Bodhi wants to create a system where people can achieve their dreams and discover their Authentic-Self in the process. He also want to achieve a level of financial freedom to be able to travel more.

Scene 3: How does Bodhi imagine life would be after fulfillment?

Bodhi imagines he will experience release from necessary work just to make money and the peace it will bring to allow him to work on the projects close to his heart. More travel would also be fulfilling.

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Bodhi feels an inner drive to create a system that will help others to reach their dreams and find their Authentic-Self. He is motivated by the satisfaction of helping others while also achieving financial freedom and the ability to travel more. He looks forward to the relief from the financial pressures of having to work solely for money and the sense of accomplishment it will bring.

The Unconscious Drive is the internal underlying motivation hoping to be fulfilled by obtaining the Object of Desire. It is born from lack of some internal quality that the subconscious is attempting to fulfill. But just as electricity seeks a grounding object to arc to, so does the Unconscious Drive seek to arc onto an Object of Desire. The Unconscious seeks to become Conscious.
This is also known as The Spine of a movie because it is the underlying reason that drives the pursuit of the Object of Desire. The personal internal "Why" behind the Conscious Desire and often hidden from the Hero's awareness.
At this stage of The Journey Map, this answer may not be clear to The Hero, so we answer the question to the best of our ability the first time around and seek the wisdom of The Mentor or VoteMyDream coaching to help reveal The Unconscious Drive.
Viewing the relationship between lack and desire to be like cause and effect, without judgement of good or bad, we can step outside our emotions and become cognizant of the root of our lack. When the hero discovers their true desire, it becomes a pivot point in the movie.
VoteMyDream helps us see our true motivations more clearly through the lens of a movie camera, becoming an outside observer just like the audience.
Scene 3) We always imagine our life or how we would feel upon attaining our Object of Desire.


Need for achievement, need for security, quest for meaning, fear of failure, desire for recognition or validation, desire to create self-worth or self-esteem, need to control, need for autonomy, desire for financial freedom, desire to be rich...

Act 1 - Sequence 2: Unconscious Drive
Plot Point 5: THE WOUND

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Scene 1: What Emotional Pain accompanies the Dream?

The fear of failure because of not being able to implement past attempts successfully.

Scene 2: What fear and/or anger arises when Bodhi faces the wound?

The fear of feeling the agony of defeat.

Scene 3: How has this wound shaped Bodhi's life?

Even though Bodhi keeps trying, reaching the place of implementation and marketing brings the wound to the surface.

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Bodhi had been trying to launch his own business for years. He was full of hope and ambition, but every time he got close to the finish line, something would go wrong. He had failed time and time again, and the fear of failure was beginning to take its toll. Every time he reached the point of implementation and marketing, the emotional wound was dragged back to the surface. He was filled with dread and anxiety, knowing that he could fail yet again.
So close, yet so far. But he is determined to make his dream come true and remembers the story of how many time Hershey failed before becoming a successful chocolate company.

Every hero has a wound, some degree of emotional pain they bring into the pursuit of their Dream that blind-sides them. The idea of a hero's wound refers to an emotional or psychological pain or trauma that a hero carries with them, often as a result of past experiences. This pain can either fuel the fire or sabotage the dream. Either way, it is normally not readily recognized how much power the pain has over the Hero.
But the hero's wound is an essential aspect of storytelling because it makes the hero relatable and human. Revealing the wound allows the audience to connect with the hero on a deeper level, understanding their struggles and empathizing with their journey. Hiding your Hero's wound becomes futile because the audience sees it anyway. By revealing the hero's wound, the audience gains insight into their motivations and sees how they have overcome their pain to become a hero. Many times we think by revealing our weaknesses others will reject us but in fact, if done correctly, our openness is respected.
For example, in the Harry Potter series, Harry's wound is the loss of his parents, which motivates him to defeat Voldemort and protect the wizard's world. In The Hunger Games, Katniss's wound is the trauma she experienced from living in District 12, which drives her to fight for justice and freedom. In A Knight's Tale, William Thatcher's wound is being born a peasant, so he asks his father, "Can a man change his stars?" "Yes William, if he believes enough a man can do anything." He is now motivated to do so.


Fear of failure, self-doubt stemming from childhood, criticized by others, feeling of unworthiness, feeling inadequate, previous failures...

Act 1 - Sequence 2: Unconscious Drive

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Scene 1: What is the Achilles Heel that may sabotage Bodhi's Dream?

Bodhi's Achilles Heel is that he freezes when it comes time to launch his project because he faces the wall of marketing and lack of financial resources to hire the personnel required.

Scene 2: When was the first memorable occurance this Achilles Heel showed itself?

The first real significant time this showed up was in 2005. Bodhi had created the format for a reality show that would develop and launch businesses over a 7 week intensive time frame. There were seven professionals waiting in the wings to participate but Bodhi froze when it came time to raise money, feeling that he was inadequate as a business man.

Scene 3: How does this make Bodhi feel?

This hurt his self esteem when he was not able to continue. He since learned of The Impostor Syndrome which shed light on why he felt the way he did.

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Bodhi stands in front of the wall of marketing and financial resources, feeling the familiar sense of inadequacy. He remembers back to 2005, when he had created the format for a reality show that would develop and launch businesses over a 7 week intensive time frame. He had all the professionals lined up, but when it came time to raise the money, he froze. He had felt like he was not capable of being a successful business man, and it had hurt his self-esteem.
But now, Bodhi is armed with the knowledge of the Impostor Syndrome, and he knows that he is capable of succeeding. He takes a deep breath and begins to formulate a plan to launch his project. He knows that he can do it, and he is determined to make his dream a reality.

The Unconscious Drive carries with it an inherent vulnerability, The Achilles Heel. This is a Blind-Spot to the Hero that is often hidden and not understood. This is what the hero must awaken to and learn how to overcome or face the possibility of it sabotaging the Dream. Every pursuit is accompanied by an Achilles Heel.
Recognizing this, The Mentor can quickly identify the flaw even before the hero's journey begins. But take heed, because the flaw is rooted in emotional pain, the hero may be resistant to acknowledging it until the pain of holding onto the flaw becomes greater than the pain of letting it go.
Overcoming the Achilles Heel is a formidable challenge, but ultimately, it is a more rewarding achievement than even obtaining the Object of Desire. The transformation that occurs throughout the journey often holds more value than the destination itself, as wise individuals often say that it is the journey, not the destination, that matters.
The concept of the Achilles Heel in The Journey Map refers to a character flaw that arises from emotional pain and encompasses related terms such as blind spot, vulnerability, weakness, and character flaw. These terms are interchangeable when discussing this concept.


Not believing in myself, create conflict with others I work with, have to be in control, not able to lead others, fear of public speaking, lack of organization, anger outbursts that alienate others, don't think my ideas are valuable, impatient, lack of focus ability, never finish anything, don't seek advice from others...

Act 2 - Sequence 3: The Dig

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Scene 1: What is The Story behind the Wound's Emotional Pain?

Bodhi fancies himself as the dream, not an implementer or sales person which causes his dreams to be dashed upon the rocks. Although he has created a successful computer consulting career and a multitude of adventures.

Scene 2: What elements of The Story have been skewed by Bodhi's perception?

His perception has narrowed into the belief that even though he keeps trying, he'll never be able to get any significant business venture off the ground. It seems futile yet his passion drives him forward over and over again. It is once again with VoteMyDream yet he fears another disappointment.

Bodhi's frustration with launching a substantial business is palpable as he feels like he is constantly hitting a wall, no matter how hard he tries. His dreams are repeatedly dashed against the rocks. His passion is strong, but his fear of failure keeps him from fully committing to implementing his ideas. He knows that success is possible, but he fears the pain of disappointment that can come from another failed attempt. His emotional pain is deep, and he can't seem to find a way out of his cycle of frustration even though he created a successful computer consulting career of 30 years and finds implementing adventures second nature.

Within the sequence of “The Dig”, we are journeying deeper into the hero's emotional psyche to display the mirror that shines light into the dark places. This creates depth to our hero, making them relatable as a human being.
But for the Hero to overcome the pain, it must be seen through self-discovery in a way that creates an awakening, an epiphany that will allow the Hero to let go.
On way to accomplish this, is to do what I call “The Dig.” Starting with telling The Story of the pain, we dig deeper to single out either the more prominent emotion, Fear or Anger. Then, digging farther we leave the Story, the fear and the anger behind and dig into the raw emotions of our feeling of pain. This is where most stop digging because we are not yet motivated enough to face our pain.
However, if we are not the faint at heart and desire to achieve our dream, then we step back and become the audience, looking at our pain like a ball of energy instead of the entanglement of emotional responses. What does it look like inside the ball? What emotional energies exist? Then we ask, what emotional energies don't we see. When we eventually have the epiphany that withing the ball of pain, the energy of unconditional love does not exist, we found the source of our pain. For emotional pain is the absence of unconditional love.


My parents blah, blah, blah... My husband or wife blah, blah, blah... Someone attacked me... Life has blah, blah, blah...

Act 2 - Sequence 3: The Dig
Plot Point 8: THE HEALING

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Scene 1: Why is Bodhi holding on to the pain?

Bodhi does not know why at this point but will come back to this question.

Scene 2: What limiting or false perceptions exist within The Story regarding the emotional pain or event?

That past events will equal future events. That failures are not an integral part of success.

Scene 3: What can Bodhi do to change The Story in order to release the pain?

Learn from the failures and utilize other's talents for marketing instead of relying on his abilities.

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Bodhi is struggling with the emotional pain he holds onto, unsure of why he is doing so. He can create small, achievable goals to help him move forward and eventually find success. By embracing self-love and acceptance, he can work to release the fear and pain that have been holding him back.

Scene 1) Why does the hero continue to hold on to the pain? There is a payoff, a benefit being derived... What is it? (may need The Mentor)
The ball of pain was kicked onto the field, but the hero picked it up and ran with it, making it their own. Justified by The Story and solidified by The Payoff, the hero is using the pain in some fashion to their benefit. There are 1,001 reasons, such as being able to play the victim, not having to try at something, reveling in negativity and criticism, a justification for indulging in alcohol or drugs, make me the king of New York, motivation to kick ass in MMA, become a billionaire... The list is endless and not all results are for the negative.
Scene 2) The Story keeps the Hero bound to their pain. Objectively review the story with The Mentor to discover the limiting and/or false perceptions that create fear and/or anger. For instance, if someone hurt the hero, were they acting out of pain themselves? Pain begets pain. To have compassion, “The suffering in me honors the suffering in you. I forgive you, for I too have hurt others.” Let me move on so I may conquer my Achilles Heel and grab the brass ring.
3) The Hero has a choice, to meet the block of emotional pain head on with an opposite force greater than holding the pain or to succumb to the sabotage it creates. What will the Hero do?

Act 2 - Sequence 3: The Dig
Plot Point 9: THE IMPETUS

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Scene 1: What is Bodhi's Impetus? (Once sentence or less)

Two deep desires: 1) Overcome my own limitations by creating a system that helps others. 2) Financial independence.

Scene 2: How will The Impetus propel Bodhi forward?

Driven to find the solutions to marketing.

Bodhi doesn't understand why he feels the need to create something that helps people uncover their Authentic-Self, but he knows that it's been a part of him for as long as he can remember. He believes it's his life-purpose and he's been working hard to develop a comprehensive system of self-discovery that has helped him immensely. No matter how many times he hits a dead end, he can't stop pursuing his goal.

The Impetus is the force that makes something happen by compelling a person to act. This drives The Hero forward against all odds.
When it becomes absolutely essential that we overcome our Emotional Pain, Achilles Heel and the Opposing Forces, we usually experience the thrill of victory. If not, we usually suffer the agony of defeat. When our Impetus is strong, we have the force needed to change and adapt.


It is absolutely imperative that I achieve my dream in order to become a better version of myself.

Act 2 - Sequence 4: Object of Desire
Plot Point 10: THE RULES

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Scene 1: What does the Object of Desire require from Bodhi?

To get ten people to sign-up and begin beta testing The Journey Map. Next will be taking their videos and marketing them.

Scene 2: What are the object's Rules of the Universe?

Bodhi will have to break through the barrier of marketing and begin the consistent process of creating an online presence.

He will need to create content that is engaging and reaches out to his target audience, as well as build relationships with influencers in order to create a network of potential beta testers. Bodhi will also need to use the right tools and platforms to reach the right people and ensure that the beta testing process is successful. Finally, he will need to make sure that he captures the feedback from the beta testers and use it to improve the product before its launch.

The Hero wants something from the Object of Desire, but what does the Object of Desire want from the Hero?
The Object of Desire is the real-world representation as a situation, a person or an actual object that the Conscious Desire is focused on and fueled by the Unconscious Drive. It is tangible and easily discernible whether it is achieved or not. It is not ambiguous such as love, hope, happiness... It is measurable both by the Hero and the audience.
The purpose of the Object of Desire in a story is to clearly expose what is truly important to the Hero by the lengths they are willing to go through to get it. This pursuit reveals their character during their pursuit. This is the journey of life, the pursuit of one Object of Desire after another, each fueled by their own Unconscious Drive.
The Hero learns about life and themselves through these pursuits. Without pursuit, the Hero never becomes the Hero.


A computer career... A new car... To be married... Have a child... A bowl of Cheetos... Own a home... Move to Asheville...

Act 2 - Sequence 4: Object of Desire
Plot Point 11: THE TOOLS

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Scene 1: What tools will be needed to build the dream?

Computer, VoteMyDream website, Social Media distribution SAAS software, social platforms like Facebook for marketing.

Scene 2: Which tools will require someone else's skill other than Bodhi?

Marketing oriented systems will be better served with someone holding the skills to execute.

Bodhi will set aside some of the money for marketing ads on Facebook and Google, and use the rest to do much of the work himself in order to prove the concept. If more money is needed, Bodhi can choose to grow slowly and organically or seek out investment capital to give the business a boost.

Tool: a device used to carry out a particular function that helps to create an end result. Not to be confused with skill.
For our purposes of pursuing a dream, we want to identify the particular physical or digital objects required to facilitate an end result.


A computer, a website, video editing software, social media platforms, carpenter tools, a car, a bicycle, a backpack, a sailboat...

Act 2 - Sequence 4: Object of Desire
Plot Point 12: THE JEWELS

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Scene 1: Will Bodhi be able to gather enough money to at least begin the Dream?

Bodhi has just barely enough money to start slowly.

Scene 2: If yes, how does Bodhi plan on using the money?

Paying someone to setup marketing channels, create attractive content, then market.

Scene 3: If not, what are some avenues where money may be raised?

He may need more money to bring on resources if cash flow does not begin. He can borrow some but would also love a working business investor.

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Bodhi will set aside some of the money for marketing ads on Facebook and Google, and use the rest to do much of the work himself in order to prove the concept. If more money is needed, Bodhi can choose to grow slowly and organically or seek out investment capital to give the business a boost.

Most dreams will require some level of money, although some do not. If not, simply write that money is not necessary to achieve your dream. Otherwise, you don't have to express how much money, just whether you have enough or not. And if you'll need to raise money, what is your general plan to do so. Please refrain from entering any person's name or corporate entity that relates to finances.

Act 2 - Sequence 5: The Cast
Plot Point 13: THE MENTOR

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Scene 1: What is The Mentor's name and special talents and abilities?

Gregg really loves mentoring younger people and has done so the majority of his life. He extends a very compassionate personality to others with a sharp eye for what lies beneath their internal struggles. Gregg is married with children and grand-kids, currently heads-up a recovery program and has been able to create a close-knit group of people within his organization. He knows the right questions to ask.

Scene 2: Describe the relationship between The Mentor and Bodhi.

Bodhi met him in 2015 and they immediately became good friends. As they both enjoyed mentoring people, they organically began mentoring each other. Gregg's profession for many years has been as a counselor and because they can be completely honest with each other, Gregg will be perfect to mentor Bodhi.

Gregg loves mentoring younger people, his compassionate personality and sharp eye for what lies beneath their struggles making him a great mentor. He's married with kids and grand-kids and currently heads-up a recovery program. When he meets Bodhi in 2015, they quickly become friends. Gregg's experience as a counselor makes him the perfect mentor for Bodhi and they start mentoring each other. They can be completely honest with each other, and Gregg knows the right questions to ask. They share a special bond and Gregg helps Bodhi grow.

The Mentor informs the audience what the Hero needs to learn, but it will be difficult to achieve because the Hero's mind must open before a change can happen. The Hero often has difficulty seeing beyond their own desires and reality. A mentor bridges that gap and mirrors back to us that which is hidden from our sight. A mentor, or a coach, is traditionally a person of experience and we strongly suggest everyone in pursuit of a dream have one. But the key to mentorship is not the teacher, it is the willing student. The openness to learn beyond our current borders, regardless the source, such a mind regards the entire world as a mentor.
By using AI (ChatGPT) as one mentor, VoteMyDream is providing a tool for quick self-discovery and expanding one's mind. AI can analyze data, patterns, and behaviors in a way that a human mentor may not be able to, which can offer unique insights and perspectives. Additionally, AI can provide unbiased feedback and guidance without judgement, which can be helpful in certain situations where a human mentor may have personal biases or limitations.
We suggest using both a trusted person and VoteMyDream's mentor.
Special Talents: Name 3-5 talents that relate to helping the Hero achieve the dream. Add qualities that make the Mentor likeable yet human so we can relate. You can also add any interesting gesture (tic) that the Mentor might make.
Character background: How does the Mentor's relate to the Hero's dream.
Scene 2: If no current ally, what type(s) of allies does the Hero imagine will be needed?


My friend Dave, VoteMyDream's mentoring system, my support group, my brother, Jon Doe who has accomplished my dream.

Act 2 - Sequence 5: The Cast
Plot Point 14: THE ALLY

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Scene 1: Who will aid and support Bodhi?

Richard and Marcy.

Scene 2: What particular roles will they play?

Richard will help Bodhi by being one of the first to use go through the Journey Map, allowing Bodhi to get feedback about the questions. Marcy will be another one and she will also help by connecting VoteMyDream with people in her tribe.

Scene 3: Give some background on them for character development in the story.

Marcy is an enthusiastic woman with a strong desire to bring people together in groups and networking like-minded people. Richard is a young man with a dream to become a film maker.

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Richard and Marcy stand together, ready to take on their mission. Richard is determined to help Bodhi by being one of the first to use the Journey Map. Marcy is eager to connect VoteMyDream with her tribe and bring people together. With a smile, Richard turns to Marcy and says, "Let's do this!" Together, they embark on their journey, determined to make a difference.

In the pursuit of a dream, having allies can be an incredibly valuable asset. Allies are individuals or groups who support your goals and aspirations, and who actively work with you to help you achieve them. Here are some of the various facets of an ally and how they can help:
1) Emotional support: Allies can provide emotional support when pursuing a dream, as they believe in you and your abilities. They can encourage you when you face obstacles or setbacks, help you stay motivated, and provide a listening ear when you need to talk through your thoughts and feelings.
2) Networking: Allies can help you expand your network by introducing you to people who may be able to help you achieve your goals. They can connect you with industry leaders, mentors, or other individuals who have experience or expertise in your field.
3) Resources: Allies may be able to provide you with resources that can help you achieve your dream, such as funding, equipment, or access to specialized knowledge or training.
4) Advocacy: Allies can advocate for you and your goals, which can help you gain recognition and support from others. They may be able to speak on your behalf, share your work with others, or help you gain access to opportunities that may be otherwise out of reach.

Act 2 - Sequence 5: The Cast
Plot Point 15: THE ADVERSARY

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Scene 1: Who or what will be The Adversary, the external opposing forces?

Executing a marketing strategy and having enough operating capital.

Scene 2: How will Bodhi be affected by them?

Marketing is definitely not my strong suit so it will be difficult mentally to begin the process. Operating capital is very small because I'm not seeking investors. If I cannot make it grow organically based on the value of the Journey map, then I will consider pursuing investment capital.

Scene 3: How will Bodhi most likely react to the opposition?

My reaction to marketing might be that I simply do not begin the process, so it dies on the vine. Not enough money makes me believe that I won't be able to make the website happen.

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I take a deep breath and force myself to focus on the task at hand. I have a marketing strategy to execute and operating capital is very small. I know that marketing is not my strong suit, but I have to try. I think about the Journey map and how I can make it grow organically. If it doesn't work, I'll consider seeking investment capital. I try to push away the negative thoughts that I won't be able to make the website happen because of the lack of money. I remind myself that I just have to take it one step at a time and stay focused. I take a deep breath and get to work.

The Adversary or Antagonist is the external opposing forces that are diametrically opposed to what the Hero wants. They can come in many forms such as a person, societal norms, economic circumstances, cultural expectations, or even individuals who don't believe in our abilities. These forces can hinder us from achieving our dreams in several ways:
1) Lack of resources: Money, time, education or the right connections are some examples but there are many more. Basically, ask what does my Object of Desire require of me?
2) Negative influences: Family members, friends, or colleagues can discourage us from pursuing our dreams because they may not believe in us or may have different expectations for our lives. Their negativity can create doubt and make it harder for us to stay motivated and committed to our goals. We must understand that pursuing our dream is not just a matter of paying the bills, which is important, but rather it is the journey that can elevate our authentic-self to its highest possibility. Take Sylvester Stallone and John Travolta as examples pursing their dream in spite of the negative influences.
3) Obstacles and barriers: For example, if our dream is to become a Hollywood actor or screen writer, but we live in a state without access to film making, we may need to move. We also may need to take acting or film classes to learn the craft. We also might need a bit of a makeover.
4) Societal norms and expectations: For example, if we are expected to conform to a particular career path for the sake of making money but our dream is not within that path, we can face opposition from family, friends and/or society.

Act 2 - Sequence 6: The Journey

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Scene 1: What is Bodhi's first milestone toward success?

10 charter members just to begin the process of Journey Maps and distributing their video content.

Scene 2: What is Bodhi's second milestone toward success?

500 paying members.

Scene 3: What is Bodhi's third milestone toward success?

3000 paying members after 12 months.

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Divide your long-term goal into smaller, achievable milestones. This will help you to track progress and celebrate successes more frequently. Celebrating small wins along the way is important because it keeps us motivated to move forward and makes the journey enjoyable. When we focus only on the end goal, we risk becoming demotivated, overwhelmed, or burnt out.
Failure is a necessary component of success, as we cannot grow without experiencing it. Learning from a failure is a success. Adopting a growth mindset that focuses on improvement rather than the negative is crucial when dealing with failure. Learning from a failure is a success. So, spend 20% of your energy on the problem and 80% on the solution.

Act 2 - Sequence 6: The Journey

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Scene 1: The First External Obstacle: What is it and how will/did Bodhi overcome it?

Launch marketing is big. Not sure how to begin, will need to find help.

Scene 2: The Second External Obstacle: What is it and how will/did Bodhi overcome it?

To be determined

Scene 3: The Third External Obstacle: What is it and how will/did Bodhi overcome it?

To be determined

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The hero's journey involves facing a series of external obstacles that are designed to challenge the hero and test their abilities. Overcoming these obstacles requires the hero to develop new skills, gather allies, and show courage and determination in the face of adversity. By overcoming these external obstacles, the hero is able to achieve their ultimate goal and return as a changed person.

Act 2 - Sequence 6: The Journey

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Scene 1: The First Internal Struggle: What is it and how will/did Bodhi overcome it?

Not knowing how to proceed with marketing. Focus on finding someone who is good at it.

Scene 2: The Second Internal Struggle: What is it and how will/did Bodhi overcome it?

Financial sustainability for the first few months.

Scene 3: The Third Internal Struggle: What is it and how will/did Bodhi overcome it?

To be determined.

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The disparity between what the hero wants and reality can create an inner conflict. This can lead to frustration and suffering if the hero is unable to figure it out and then align themself with the specific “Rules of the Universe” required by their Object of Desire.
The “Rules of the Universe” refer to the fundamental principles that govern how things work in both the world at large and within the microcosm world of the hero's pursuit. These principles include things like cause and effect, impermanence, interdependence, and non-duality, among others. But within the hero's world, it will be the specific principles dictated by the Object of Desire required to obtain it. When we are unable to align ourselves with these principles, it creates inner conflict and emotional suffering.
In the movie The Matrix, the little boy says to Neo: "Do not try and bend the spoon. That's impossible. Instead, only try to realize the truth...there is no spoon. Then you'll see that it is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself."

Act 3 - Sequence 7: Self-Discovery
Plot Point 19: THE THEME

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Scene 1: What is the global Theme of Bodhi's story?

To be able to utilized the talents and skills of others that I lack.

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The Theme of a Hero's Journey is the internal lesson to be learned, summarized in a phrase or short sentence, and is worded so as to highlight our shared human experiences. You are not alone. The Theme is derived from the flaw-weakness-vulnerability found in your Impetus that you must overcome to achieve your dream.
From the perspective of cause and effect, the emotional pain is the cause and the reaction that creates a flaw is the effect. (ie: The pain of failure can create walls that deter the hero from trying again.)
The Theme is an internal lesson, not external like the need to develop a skill.

Act 3 - Sequence 7: Self-Discovery

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Scene 1: What was Bodhi's Previous World-View regarding The Dream?


Scene 2: What is Bodhi's New World-View regarding The Dream?


Scene 3: Is Bodhi changing for the better or is Bodhi breaking Bad?


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A New-World-View emerges by engaging in the Impetus, even if we do not attain the Object of Desire. This new perspective may have a positive or negative orientation depending upon how the Hero interprets the situation.
1) How has this journey shifted the Hero's internal perspective about themself?
2) How has it shifted the Hero's external perspective of life within their sphere of influence?
3) How has it shifted the Hero's perception when they see their own Achilles Heel reflected in another?

Act 3 - Sequence 7: Self-Discovery

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Scene 1: Did Bodhi discover more of The Authentic-Self?


Scene 2: Describe Bodhi's Authentic-Self prior to this Journey Map?


Scene 3: Describe Bodhi's Authentic-Self after this Journey Map?


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The Hero's true nature emerges. The concept of the hero's true nature refers to the idea that every person has an essential and authentic self, a core set of values, beliefs, and qualities that define who they are at their deepest level. This true nature is often hidden beneath layers of emotional pain, character flaws, and societal expectations that have accumulated over time.
The process of uncovering the hero's true nature is a continuing journey that requires self-reflection, introspection, and a willingness to confront one's own weaknesses and limitations. It is an ongoing process that requires a person to peel back the layers of conditioning that have accumulated over time, revealing their true essence.
At each stage of this process, a person may feel as though they have discovered their true nature, only to find that there are deeper layers of pain and trauma that need to be addressed before their true self can emerge. The more a person works through these layers, the more their true nature shines through, revealing their authentic self in all its glory.
The layers that hide our true nature can take many forms, including societal expectations, childhood conditioning, traumas, and emotional wounds. These layers can cause us to adopt beliefs and behaviors that are not in alignment with our true nature, leading us to live lives that feel unfulfilling or unsatisfying.

Act 3 - Sequence 8: The Hero
Plot Point 22: THE VICTORY

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Scene 1: Did Bodhi achieve Victory by attaining the Object of Desire?


Scene 2: Or did Bodhi experience the Agony of Defeat?


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Attaining the Object of Desire means that you have accomplished the dream set forth in this Journey Map. Did the Hero experience success or the agony of defeat?

Act 3 - Sequence 8: The Hero
Plot Point 23: THE PAYOFF

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Scene 1: Achieving success, what is the Payoff for Bodhi?


Scene 2: What is the personal benefit for Bodhi by pursuing their dream?


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What was the Payoff for achieving this dream? What is the personal benefit derived by pursuing the dream?

Act 3 - Sequence 8: The Hero
Plot Point 24: THE HERO'S STORY

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Scene 1: Yes or No: If voted, would Bodhi like his Journey Map made into a movie?


Scene 2: What genre of movie is Bodhi's Dream?


Scene 3: Which actor/actress would best play Bodhi?


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If voted, does the Hero want their story to be made into a movie treatment? If so, what Genre does the Hero envision their movie to be? Suggest one or two actors/actresses the Hero envisions playing the role of the Hero.