The Journey Map

Turn Your Dream Into A Movie

  • Realign your thinking & discover your Authentic-Self.
  • Remove the Achilles Heel sabotaging your Dream.
  • Achieve your Dream.
  • Coaching Available.

Top Ranked Visionaries

We are known as dreamers until our dreams become reality.
Then we are known as visionaries.

The Journey Map Award:

Next Award: July 1, 2024 for $1,500

  • Awarded each month to the highest ranked.
  • Professional Movie Treatment written.
  • Treatments are presented to producers.
  • Share in the $$$ if your story is made into a movie.

Newest Journey Map Videos

Having healed my past emotional pains and accomplished many dreams, I developed VoteMyDream as a venue to help others do the same and to achieve my next dream in life, financial independence.

Let's collaborate...

I'll coach you theough your Journey Map, then your success becomes my success.


Robert Bigelow

The emotional pain of loss of my girlfriend in 2016 left me consumed with pain. But my father had taught me to remain present with the pain. After two weeks of tears, I woke up and everything shifted into the presence of unconditional love.

Chris B.

My mother passed. One 45 min session in Borders and unconditional love freed me from all the anger and pain… Even still.

Marcy H.

My first session led me to the tearful discovery of a hidden layer of pain that was greatly influencing my life. Healing this felt so great I’ve continued. 7 years later, a director of a recovery program, my team is using unconditional love as a primary tool.

Gregg S.